- WASD = Move
- Left Mouse Button = Melee/Ranged attack
- Right Mouse Button = Ranged Mode (locks you in place)
- Spacebar = Dodge
- E = Potion (you can carry 3 at a time)
- Walk into stuff to interact and pick stuff up.

Creation. We weren't able to integrate the complete story within the time frame, but it's based on historical alchemy and the philosopher's stone.


Chris: Programming
Skeleton House: Art & Sound
Jess : Art & Writing

Little top down action game for The LOWREZJAM 2023. This is the the second game jam Skeleton House and I have entered together after our Indie Game Dev Beginner's project, but this time we were joined by Jess for some proper writing and snazzy tilesets. There's plenty of bugs, but we're looking for constructive feedback so we can continue to improve. Thanks!


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This is really neat! the whole aesthetic is really detailed, the scenes in the town, the playground and the stores, everything was really cool! the music is excellent and it controls very nicely. I wasn't able to use the right mouse long range attack for some reason, but i was happy to to use my sword. The exploding monsters that send flies after you killed me many times, was a neat little touch.  I love the range of the dodge, that was really fun. Excellent work!